
Wild Willing Wisdom is not a licensed medical doctor, therapist, nutritionist, naturopathic doctor, psychologist, psychotherapist, or other formerly licensed healthcare professional of any kind and the information shared on this site or through services rendered should not be considered medical advice or a substitution for your doctor or health care provider(s). 

Information shared via Wild Willing Wisdom is the personal opinion of the author/advisor and should not be considered definitive fact. The information is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other healthcare providers and should not be used for diagnosis or treatment of any health problems. You should consult with a healthcare professional before altering or discontinuing any current medications, treatment or care, starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. 

The information provided on and accessible from this website and through services rendered does not necessarily reflect the opinions of Wild Willing Wisdom. This website may contain links to other resources on the Internet. Those links are provided as citations and aids to help you identify and locate other Internet resources that may be of interest, and are not intended to state or imply that Wild Willing Wisdom recommends, supports, sponsors, or is in any way affiliated or associated with any person or entity associated with those links, or is legally authorized to use any trade name, registered trademark, logo, legal or official seal, or copyrighted symbol that may be reflected in the links.

While Wild Willing Wisdom strives to provide accurate, evidence-based information, I can make no claims, guarantees, or promises that I will always be 100% correct and up to date. All content is subject to copyright and may not be reproduced in any form without expressed written consent of the author.