The metaphysical wisdom your conception is waiting for.

Many thousands of years ago, our ancestresses lived in sync with the phases of the Moon. They were so energetically connected to these cycles that many accounts exist to support the notion that they bled communally with the New Moon, under which the Blood Mysteries and other sacred knowledge was shared.

“They joined together in ritual seclusion for prayer and meditation while opening themselves psychically to receive the Moon Mother’s gentle power and wisdom which helped them guide their people’s Way.”

- Mary Blue, “Lilith: Keepers of the Flame”

During the Assyrian-Babylonian empires, it was recorded by astrologers that “woman is fertile during a certain phase of the Moon.” This single surviving statement would come to fade into antiquity for many years until its rediscovery in the 1950s by psychologist and astrology-enthusiast, Dr. Eugen Jonas. Through his research, the art of Fertility Astrology was rebirthed and we once again know for certain that women are indeed fertile during a certain phase of the Moon…

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You might be tracking your cycles, but are you tracking your lunar fertility?

How to Calculate Your Fertile Moon Phase has helped hundreds of women discover the magic of their cosmic fertility by showing them the secrets of their unique Fertile Moon Phase and therefore, their Lunar Fertile Window.

calculate your fertile moon phase today:

My name is Athena

I’m the woman behind the wisdom.

It’s been four years since the birth of my daughter inspired me to walk the radical path of sovereign womanhood. Through this journey I’ve expanded my expertise in the realms of women’s health, birth, postpartum, and fertility as opportunities for spiritual and personal growth that don’t require the governance or pathology of ‘the system’.

My intention in nurturing this space, and this work as it evolves through me, is to align with the highest expression of my soul’s purpose in order to guide women through their healing so that collectively we may all return to the female-centered ways of life that facilitate peace on Earth.

May it be so.

Read my story

The 3 rules of fertility astrology

A woman will experience a fertile window when the angle between the Moon and the Sun is the same as it was during the moment of her birth.

The sex of the baby is influenced by the position of the Moon at the moment of conception.

The placement of certain celestial bodies during conception and pregnancy can influence the health of the pregnancy as well as the birth experience.

You and your baby are multidimensional beings

Your journey doesn’t end with an “unexplained infertility” diagnosis.

get 1:1 support

Connect with your Cosmic Conceptions through deeply individualized Fertility Astrology counseling.

This signature offering includes a Fertile Transit Report, Medical Astrology Report, and 90 minutes together exploring your unique and karmic path to Motherhood.

tune in to Cosmic Conceptions

A place where we acknowledge that women are of nature and the stars.

Join me as we explore esoteric transmissions on fertility astrology, conscious conceptions, women’s health, and more. Here will not shy away from the radical, the controversial, or the spiritual, so grab your tea and let’s get cosmic. 

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Where esoteric teachings meet Earth-based medicine in the sacred realm of women’s fertility.

Join us on Substack to deepen your Cosmic Conception journey through the teachings of medical astrology and Earth-based medicine.

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  • All podcast bonus material.

  • The Cosmic Conception Diaries: My journey to baby n°2

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